Searching for Something Beyond Talk Therapy?

You’re in the right place!

Tina Romano

For a lot of people, juggling life’s challenges has more to do with trying to avoid, rather than fully living.  However, what most people are unconsciously avoiding is that uneasy feeling inside, or those repetitive critical messages playing in their mind.

Tina provides her clients with the tools and processes to break the cycle of avoidance and regain control over their inner life.


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Tina Romano
About Tina Romano for Way Beyond Talk Therapy


Way Beyond Talk is a comprehensive service drawing from the best of Mindfulness, Hypnosis and Regression techniques. Creating a unique pathway for you to break free from emotional struggles and repetitive negative thoughts.  Now, about those techniques…


Mindful therapy focuses on emotional well-being. Your emotions are neither good nor bad because “all emotions serve a purpose”. Coming to know this is the first step in mindful therapy.  Experiencing its truth changes everything!


Hypnosis facilitates the connection to deeper insights not accessible through regular talk therapy.  Access more of your mind.  It’s natural!


“It’s what you do in the present that will redeem the past and thereby change the future.” —Paulo Coelho


  • Adults who are ready for deeper emotional work

… and who:

  • Want to change what they struggle with
  • Don’t want to only talk their way through it
  • Want to feel better in less time!

Regretfully, I do not work with children or adolescents. 

If you suffer from a psychosis, bi-polar disorder, or autism, etc., please seek help from a mental health care provider who is specialized in these disciplines.

  • Personal growth
  • Self-awareness
  • Regression
  • Emotional wounds
  • Childhood trauma
  • Family trauma
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Repetitive patterns / behaviour
  • Relationship struggles
  • Toxic relationships
  • Letting go
  • Not good enough
  • Self-esteem
  • Sadness
  • Grief & Loss
  • Anger
  • Shame / Guilt
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Feeling stuck
  • Despair / Anguish
  • Fears & Phobias
  • Rumination / Intrusive thoughts
  • Life transitions
  • Moral struggles
  • Stress
  • etc.

    Don’t struggle alone.

“You have been the only person that I can say changed my life completely.”

Heartfelt expression from a client


“…that was powerful”

– Wounding childhood belief comes undone


“I’m so glad I found you!”
   – A client’s spontaneous expression at the end of a session


“…it’s progress by leaps and bounds.”
   – Client summarizes her experience


“…you are amazing and people need to know this!”
   – Message from a client


“… a mind-blowing experience!”
   – A client describes her truly amazing discovery


“I owe a lot of my past year to you. To say thank-you seems rather insufficient but I don’t know what else to say. …You have taught me such a valuable tool…”
   – Client’s expression of thanks


“It was like I purged.”

Following a powerful childhood regression


“Things are falling into place and it is amazing. … You have been so important to me I can’t express my gratitude for your being with me on my journey to more clarity and healing.”
   – Client describes new-found peace


“… the first time I visualized my feelings, and the second time I saw inside my soul”
    – One client’s experience


“Sincere, compassionate and true, Tina Romano safely guided me out of the dark stifling cave into the genuinely bright light where I could breathe again!”
   – Grateful


“I have appreciated and grown immensely by our time together.”
  – One client’s summary


And so many more undocumented expressions of thanks living in clients’ hearts.

Work with me in my office or over secure video conference. The initial session is dedicated to an in-depth understanding of your struggles and life experiences. This session lasts about 2 hours. We transition into the deeper work of resolving your struggles in subsequent sessions.  What not to expect – the same old approach.

Focuses on getting to the root of the issue. It’s not new-agey, yet we don’t get stuck on mental health labels either. It goes beyond thinking. It’s grounded, yet inclusive of your spiritual and/or religious beliefs. A unique stride that focuses on resolving the source of your struggles. So that you feel the change.

Release your Struggles.

Release your Struggles - Way Beyond Talk Therapy

What Our Clients Say About Us

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Tina’s clients say it best …

Not Good Enough
I just want to thank you for this amazing journey I am taking. I have never felt so good inside my skin, I am in awe. I am so looking forward to really breaking free from these chains holding me down. I can't thank you enough. The more I feel good I feel complete, I wish this for everyone struggling inside. I have been working on loving myself since age 16 and never felt such a big leap in such a short time(thank you). Looking forward to our next appointment. appreciating you deeply, ~Linda
Not Worthy
"I wanted to thank you at my last session, you changed my life. I have changed at work. I am able to talk to management and I don't feel shy any longer. Many many things have changed in my life thanks to your help. You are absolutely great at what you do and would definitely come back." - Carolina
When I first approached Tina for help, my goal was to see if it was possible to explore that inner and, probably dark, side of me that wouldn’t allow me to be completely happy. I have to admit, at the beginning it is not so easy, but once you know exactly why you are there and what you can accomplish with each session, everything seems to fall in place and gets much easier. Tina is a very kind and professional person, who takes her time to listen to you, in order to understand your feelings and proceed accordingly. After each session, I felt renewed and hopeful and I can say now that my anxiety levels are much lower, if any, after these 4 enriching sessions. Likewise, I have learned a lot about myself and how to manage my emotions and thoughts thanks to her. For sure, I would recommend giving Tina a call if you would like to take a further step in your healing process. ~Crystal
I began seeing Tina almost a year ago for issues with anxiety. Having tried other forms of therapy and seeing no improvement, I decided to try hypnotherapy. The results have been incredible! The combination of her guidance with the hypnosis has provided me with more insight than with therapy alone. Tina’s approach is very warm, caring & supportive while still being professional. ~Kathryn
Anxiety, Self-Esteem & Resiliency
A testimonial for Tina Romano! Thanks to the work I’ve been doing with Tina, I have experienced some huge, and profound shifts in my everyday life: I sleep better (and dream better!), I’m more comfortable in my own skin, my anxiety has decreased dramatically. I feel more resilient and perhaps, paradoxically, more like myself. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first met with Tina, but she created a really safe space for me to be 100% open in. I was able to address my issues without fear of judgement, and talk openly about my spiritual beliefs. She integrated all of this information and patiently led me through sessions that could probably best be described as deeply healing. Tina is exceptionally professional, and yet she’s also warm, empathetic, and genuine. I have enthusiastically recommended her services to practically everyone I know : ) ~Veronica
Depression Lifted
Working with Tina has given me the incredible gift of reconnecting with myself, my emotions, and my source. Before going to see Tina I had been in regular therapy for about 7 years with minimal improvement. I walked into Tina’s office after suffering major depression and didn’t know how to get better since regular therapy wasn’t helping. Tina not only is a sweet and gentle listener but she has an innate ability to understand and be able to help heal you from deep within. Tina’s great lesson to me was to get out of my head and allow myself to start feeling. This was no easy task for a very rational and logical person, but Tina’s approach made it so that there was progress every single session. Her focus on the feeling is what helped my healing in an authentic way and has changed me into my stronger, independent, happier self. I would recommend Tina to everyone who wants to truly heal. Tina has a gift that is powerful and helps deep healing. ~Nathalie M.