Regression Therapy
Regression Canada
“It’s what you do in the present that will redeem the past and thereby change the future.”
— Paulo Coelho
How it works
Regression builds on the hypnotic process. It can deepen the experience. Regression facilitates access to past events. Taking you back in time … So you can resolve the past & thrive now!
Another pathway to change is exploring root cause(s). In hypnotic age regression you go back in time to a chosen event, or to one that your subconscious guides you to. (The former is directed; the latter is non-directed.) Regression may be used as a method to uncover the source of the problem you are experiencing, or for non-therapeutic purposes such as recovering lost objects.
Your conscious mind may not be able to comprehend how regression can explore the past, but your subconscious mind may already be there. What unfolds in the regression process is precisely what is needed. Clients are amazed at their own potential to find answers within themselves.
Sometimes it’s in the details. Regression may explore a memory that you already know. But under hypnotic regression, details that you were not previously conscious of, suddenly reveal themselves.
Recall ranges in intensity. From a subtle experience, where the memory is experienced as a gentle, but clear, knowing … All the way to re-experiencing the memory, referred to as revivification, where it feels like you are re-living it … And in-between experiences, that feel like you are observing the experience. All are valid, effective, and appropriate. The point is to “work through” unresolved events or experiences that directly or indirectly impinge on your present well-being.
Subtle recall vs full re-vivification? Emotions can amplify the intensity of the recall. But the memory may, or may not, contain an emotional charge. Generally, what you experience is what is appropriate at that time. Your subconscious may or may not be ready for full re-vivification. However, I always work with what unfolds in the moment.
Some memories can be more fully experienced in subsequent regressions – like a build-up to a crescendo. When we better understand the process we are more likely to fully let go. Be patient with yourself and allow the process to unfold.
The energy that is released shortly after the regression might leave you feeling drained. There is no need to be alarmed if you feel tired or even exhausted. You will feel just that much lighter in the coming days. However, not all regressions leave you drained. Do not hesitate to contact your practitioner if you have any concerns!
We may not believe we have the answers. However, what unfolds in the regression process may reveal deeply meaningful insights, or be a stepping-stone for insights to come. Let yourself be amazed!
Technically Speaking…
Definition of hypnotherapy:
“Hypnotherapy is a naturalistic approach that uses the client’s present resources and strengths to further and accomplish meaningful goals.”
Regression is a naturalistic approach because it’s fundamentally a natural means of self-healing – by allowing your subconscious to pinpoint the source of discomfort. Regression also makes use of your present resources and strengths to resolve or re-frame the source of discomfort, the goal. The latter may occur autonomously or interactively with the assistance of your regression practitioner.
What to expect from your first session?
As with all hypnosis work, the first consultation is typically dedicated to information gathering and question & answer. Regression hypnosis is introduced in subsequent sessions. Often we begin with a more basic hypnosis session — a good foundation for regression work. Regression flows naturally and more powerfully from here. The process is customized to best suit each client’s needs.
If you want to experience the power and relief of neutralizing past wounds, traumas or past painful events that may be subconsciously affecting you today, then regression hypnosis might be for you. But first, you will receive skilled guidance in determining if this technique is appropriate for you. Are you ready to explore? I will provide the necessary support and guidance to assist you in releasing and neutralizing those old wounds. All the while, in a relaxed state of hypnosis. The relief you experience is your opening to personal growth!